#RethinkingChurch Strategies’ vision is to create an ecosystem for ministry leaders to rethink and retool with resources to increase their impact in their congregations & communities.

We are excited to share our projects and programs with you. We hope you will partner with us to make our vision a reality!


We envision creating programs that will serve as resources for faith-based leaders.

Book Discussions

Goal: Provide weekly book discussions for community members to dialogue through books

Impact: Create a safe space for the community to deconstruct their personal theology and refocus on the teachings of Jesus

Economic Development Webinar Series

Goal: Provide monthly discussions to provide resources for faith-based leaders to become economic drivers in their communities

Impact: Create stronger faith-based communities with access to resources for their ministry endeavors


Goal: Host at least two lectures per month

Impact: Expanded understanding for our members of scripture by hearing interpretations from diverse hermeneutics

Courageous Conversations Podcast

Goal: Interview faith-based thought leaders about topics relevant to the church community

Impact: Encourage honest dialogue among faith-based leaders

Ministry Business Academy (MBA)

Goal: Provide online courses to teach business skills to faith-based leaders

Impact: More faith-based leaders equipped with the skills to manage their ministries effectively

Spiritual Care Webinar Series

Goal: Provide resources for caregivers to provide spiritual care to their congregations and communities

Impact: Faith-based leaders will understand how to relate to members of their community who are in crisis and dealing with trauma


We envision working with faith-based leaders to build stronger economies in their communities.


Black Business Ecosystem

Goal: Develop a platform for Black business owners

Impact: Create a digital space for business owners to connect with one another, to connect with new and existing customers, and to connect with suppliers and manufacturers

Public Policy Fellows

Goal: Establish two Public Policy Fellows to identify the policies that contribute to systemic poverty and what policy changes need to be made to reduce poverty in those communities

Impact: Identify policies that our community can advocate for that will work toward reducing poverty in our communities


We envision creating media platforms with faith-based content that is educational and entertaining.



Goal: Executive produce 10 shows with 5-6 episodes each and use our platform to host existing shows currently streaming as Lives on other platforms or podcasts

Impact: Highlight programming that provides entertainment for intellectuals to challenge the perception of what Christians want to watch on television

Ministry Matters Magazine

Goal: Produce a bi-monthly digital magazine featuring articles related to ministry matters

Impact: Create a space for persons doing research and work on topics related to ministry matters to share their findings with a wider audience