Meet the Presenters for the 2021 #RethinkingChurch Virtual Summit - #MinistryThatImpacts!
We have assembled a dynamic team of professionals to provide tools, strategies, and resources for your ministry to have an impact on your congregation and community.
Keynote Speakers
Opening Keynote Speaker - Wednesday, July 14
Jennifer Watley Maxell
Founding Co-Pastor, The Breakthrough Fellowship Program Curator, The Ministry Collaborative Program Facilitator, Pittsburg Theological Seminary, Risking Faithfully Cohort
Keynote Speaker - Thursday, July 15
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III
Senior Pastor, Trinity United Church of Christ, Chicago, IL
Keynote Speaker - Friday, July 16
Pamela Lightsey, PhD
Vice President for Academic and Student Affairs Associate Professor of Constructive Theology, Meadville Lombard Theological School
Join our Morning #CoffeeChats for discussions that will impact your ministry!
Portia T. Jacobs
Eastern NC Episcopal District of the AME Zion Church (Wednesday)
Rev. Renita Green
AME Church, University of Dayton in Ohio (Wednesday)
G Denise Dupree
Alderwoman, City of Grambling (Thursday)
Kynesha Brown
Community Activist (Thursday)
Rev. Kelly U. Farrow, Ph.D.
Circle of SacredFire⭕️ (Friday)
Elder Dwalunda Alexander
Preaching in Purple (Friday)
Church Administration & Christian Education Cohort
Elder Jessica Ganzie, Christian Education Consultant - Cohort Leader
Presenting Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10 am EST

Rev. Dr. Stephen G. Ray, Jr., President, Chicago Theological Seminary, Presents Transformative Theological Education, Wednesday at 1 pm EST

Richard Harmer CCM, RWHarmer Communications, Presents Crisis In Church Communication, Friday at 11 am EST

Dr. Karen H. Bradford, Calla Lily Group, Presents Gardening Greatness: Sowing Seeds that Reap Fluent Readers, Thursday at 11 am EST | Sponsored by Saint Paul School of Theology
Rev. Dr. Shareka N. Newton, Emmanuel Baptist Church, Presents Handling the Hand Off, Thursday at 1 pm EST

Dr. Marrix "Dr. Sey" Seymore, Sr., MoreSey & Associates LLC, Presents Straightening Up the Steeple, Wednesday at 2 pm EST | Sponsored by United Theological Seminary

A. Margot Blair, Kingdom Life Global Ministries, Presents Developing Kingdom Leaders, Wednesday at 11 am EST
Vincent Blair, Kingdom Life Global Ministries, Presents The Ministry Leader's Toolkit, Thursday at 2 pm EST
Dr. Arnita Fowler, Visionary Strategies Consulting Group, LLC, Presents Succession Leadership: A Time To Lead and A Time To Leave, Friday at 2 pm EST

Dr. Monique Flemings, Flemings Ministry International, Presents Ministry Balance and Burn Out Prevention, Friday at 1 pm EST

Demographic Ministry Cohort Sponsored by Chicago Theological Seminary
Aamaal Abdul-Malik, Worship Metrics - Cohort Leader
Presenting Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10 am EST

Gina-Lu Catalano, Empowering Hands, Presents Say What?!? Did You Mean Language or Communication?, Friday at 11 am EST

Christopher Bonner, Metropolitan AME (Ministerial Staff), Presents The New Roaring 20s: Living the Platinum Life in the Digital Age, Thursday at 1 pm EST
Reverend Dr. Dominique Robinson, iHomiletic™, Presents What in the 2*2* Just Happened? Emerging Models of Campus Ministry, Thursday at 11 am EST

Sharise Wigfall, M.Div., Sacred Scholars, Presents Worship That Works for Young Professionals, Wednesday at 2 pm EST

Rev. LaTonya McIver Penny, New Mount Zion Baptist Church and Mary's Grace Incorporated, Presents Beyond Inclusion, Wednesday at 11 am EST
Rev. Isaac Hayes, Apostolic Church of God, Presents Godly Masculinity, Wednesday at 1 pm EST

Angela Marks, Director of Children - AME Zion Church, Presents The New Wineskin of Children's Ministry, Friday at 1 pm EST

Rev. Dr. Christal Bell, Uplifted LLC, Presents Give Me a B.R.E.A.K (Bridging, Reimagining, Enduring, Adapting and Keeping it Real) Children/Youth Ministry Strategies, Friday at 2 pm EST
Digital Discipleship Cohort
Rev. LaKesha Womack, Founder, #RethinkingChurch Strategies LLC - Cohort Leader
Presenting Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10 am EST

Rev. Delois Prince, Delois Prince Ministries, Intl, Presents Preaching Beyond the Pandemic: Discipleship in These Digital Streets, Wednesday at 2 pm EST

Rev. Marc Laravin, Alfred Street Baptist Church, Presents Cultivating an Atmosphere of Creative Discipleship, Wednesday at 1 pm

Rev. Donna Owusu-Ansah, Inspiring Creativities Ministry, Presents Presentations that POP!, Thursday at 1 pm EST
Shivawn Mitchell, Sam Studios, Presents Prophetically Producing in Media & Entertainment, Friday at 2 pm EST

Rev. Timothy Farmer, Farmer Tech Group, Presents What a Friend We Have in Technology, Friday at 1 pm EST

Monte Weaver, Valet Media LLC, Presents Engaging With a Virtual Audience, Wednesday at 11 am EST

Shazetta A. Thompson-Hill, Hill House Media Company, Presents Telling Our Stories: Discipleship Through Documentary Film, Photography& Storytelling, Thursday at 11 am EST

Pastor RJ Stevenson, New Saint Paul AME Church of Tampa, FL, Presents ReImagining What God Can Do Through You, Thursday at 2 pm EST | Sponsored by The Ministry Collaborative

Rev. Orlando Evans, Bright Star UMC, Presents Relational Discipleship in a Digital Age, Friday at 11 am EST

Economic Empowerment Cohort
Rev. Dr. Robert Turner, Academic Dean, Jackson Theological Seminary/ Pastor, Historic Vernon AME Church - Cohort Leader
Presenting Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10 am EST

Cedric J. Nelms, CJN Global, Presents MinisPrise: Combination of Church & Social Enterprise, Wednesday at 11 am EST

Sharifah Hardie, Ask Sharifah - The Go-To Resource for Entrepreneurs, Presents Creating A Ministry People Love to Give To, Thursday at 2 pm EST

Natasha Nedrick, Empowering Imprints, Presents Pandemics Don't Cancel Purpose, Friday at 1 pm EST

Carla Maxwell Ray, Generis, Presents THRIVE: Accelerate Giving through Church Campaigns and Every Day Generosity, Wednesday at 2 pm EST

Leroy McKenzie Jr, JNF Enterprises, LLC., Presents The 7 Branding Principles of an MVP Church, Friday at 2 pm EST

Janiel Youngblood, CPA, Janiel Youngblood & Associates, LLC Presents Church Money Matters, Friday at 11 am EST
Social Impact Cohort
Pastor Gabby Cudjoe Wilkes, Double Love Experience Church - Cohort Leader
Presenting Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10 am EST

Dr. Christopher Ringer, Chicago Theological Seminary, Presents Necropolitics, Thursday at 1 pm EST

Pamela Cooper-White, Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York, Presents Responding to Gender-Based Violence in a (Post?)-COVID Time, Friday at 1 pm EST | Sponsored by Union Theological Seminary

Rev. Dr. Cassandra Gould, Missouri Faith Voices/Beyond the Walls Ministry, Presents Beyond the Walls: Pulpits, Politics and Prophetic Resistance, Wednesday at 1 pm EST

Dr. Catherine Jackson, Optimal Neuroholistic Services, Presents Self-Care as an Act of Resistance, Friday at 11 am EST
Napoleon A. Bradford, D.Min., Word of Faith Church of JESUS CHRIST, INC, Presents The Church is Community: Rethinking the Acts 2 Church, Wednesday at 11 am EST

Yolo Spinks, YOLOSpin Media & For Every Black Body, Presents Mobilizing Healthy Churches: How Black Churches Can Be Effective Catalysts in the Healthcare System, Thursday at 2 pm EST

Pastor Will Francis, The HUB, Presents Maximizing Ministry for Impact, Wednesday at 2 pm EST
Dr. Xellex Rivera, AME Zion Church, Young Adult Ministry, Presents Put on PAUSE: COVID-19 & Homelessness, Thursday at 11 am EST

Worship in Arts Cohort
Dr. Tony McNeill, Clinton College/ The Call 2 Worship Group - Cohort Leader
Presenting Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 10 am EST

Dr. Lisa M. Allen, The Interdenominational Theological Center, Presents The OneWord Worship Model, Friday at 1 pm EST
Joslyn Henderson, ABM Studio, Presents And When They Had Sung... A HYMN?!, Wednesday at 1 pm EST

Jennifer Benton, Jenetic Marketing & Mount Hermon Baptist Church, Presents "Reel" Worship: Why Instagram's Newest Tool Should Become Your Best Friend, Thursday at 1 pm EST | Sponsored by Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

Bernice Loman, MBA, Loman Creative Services, Presents Building a Tech Team, Wednesday at 11 am EST

Martinique Mix, remixed concepts, Presents The Mixology of Visual Worship 101, Thursday at 11 am EST

Rev. Amina S. McIntyre, 2016-2021 CYAM President CME Church/Lady Loves Her Pen, LLC, Presents God in Play: Enhancing Ministry Through Drama, Friday at 11 am EST

Daily Mental Wellness Breaks
Margaret LaDell Conley, MLC Counsulting,LLC
Let’s Have a “Healthy and Holy” Conversation
Wednesday at 12 pm EST
Victor Bartley, Victor Speaks Life/Baldwin's Chapel SDA Church & New Life SDA Church
Fire That Builds: How The Forest Fires Model Empowers Leaders in Burnout Recovery
Thursday at 12 EST
Rev. Ann L. Colley, A. L. Colley & Assocs., Inc
Black Minds Matter - Why We Can't Wait
Friday at 12 pm EST